Interior Painting
We offer stellar residential and commercial interior painting services
Full-Service residential and commercial interior painting
As a family-owned, professional painting business in Alabama, Pro 1 Painters understand that your property is a valuable asset, and we strive to make it look its best. Our team of professional painters is experienced in prepping and painting every part of your property’s interior, including walls, ceilings, window trims, moldings, doors, and door frames.
Pro 1 Painters guarantees stellar interior paint services
We take great care to prepare the worksite before beginning any interior paint jobs, ensuring that your belongings and surfaces are protected. We cover all floors, countertops, appliances, and furniture with proper drop cloths to avoid paint splatters. We also move any moveable furniture from the room and replace it once the job is complete.
Interior painting and restoration of historic buildings
When it comes to historic buildings and home restoration, you can count on Pro 1 Painters to deliver extraordinary interior painting services to preserve your historic building’s architecture.
Interior painting for antique buildings often means painting over plaster and very old surfaces with cracks and moisture stains. Pro 1 Painters remedies these problems by filling and sanding cracks and applying bacteria-resistant primer over discolored areas. Often light carpentry renovations are required to provide a flawless foundation before painting.
We love to paint, and it shows
Lamar Advertising-Commercial Interior Painting
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Coastal Chic: A Modern Paint Job for a Coastal Home
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Unlock the Power of White Paint
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Joshua Kennedy House Interior Restoration
The Joshua Kennedy Home, located at 607 Government Street, was built in 1857 by Joshua Kennedy,...
Cookout Restaurant Ready to Serve
We recently completed a commercial interior paint job for Cookout. Our crew worked diligently to...
Our promise
At Pro 1 Painters, we guarantee our work, and your satisfaction is our top priority. That is why once the work is complete, our team will clean up the area by removing any tape, replacing all hardware and outlet covers, and putting all furniture back in its place. We will label any remaining paint cans and leave them for your future touch-ups. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and experience the best in interior painting services.
Not sure what color to go with? No problem we offer color consultation services. Click below to learn more!
Financing Available
We offer flexible financing options, including up to 18 months of interest-free financing with approved credit. Don't let budget constraints hold you back. Take advantage of our financing option today and let us help you transform your home or office space with a beautiful new paint job.